Category: fullstack

  • Exploring the forEach Method in JavaScript

    In JavaScript, Exploring the forEach Method in JavaScript introduces a strong and efficient way of looping through arrays.  The method is a more elegant, more readable alternative to legacy loops, with a sophisticated strategy for applying functions to each item in an array.  No matter if you are performing basic operations like logging values or…

  • Difference Between Java and JavaScript

    When one gets started with programming, it’s quite simple to mix up the names Java and JavaScript. In spite of their nearly similar names, there are two completely different technologies with different purposes, uses, and histories.  A developer needs to understand the differences between Java and JavaScript, which language suits a given project based on…

  • Understanding Arrow Functions in JavaScript

    With several features developed over the years to increase developer productivity in JavaScript, one of the most noteworthy is the arrow function. Understanding arrow functions in JavaScript becomes important for developing cleaner, more concise code-everything to do with callbacks, array methods, and event-handling. Arrow functions have simplified this syntax tremendously by reducing the amount of…

  • Mastering JavaScript Array Methods

    Arrays are one of the most important data structures in JavaScript. You will find yourself constantly dealing with arrays when handling user data, manipulating UI elements, or even conducting calculations. There is, however, an overwhelming number of array methods provided in JavaScript such,.filter(), and.reduce() if you are just starting out with them.  Let’s dive…

  • Accessibility in HTML

    Accessibility in HTML is an important part of web development, pretty much flying under the radar. In any case, making an accessible website benefits not only individuals with disabilities but the user experience at large.  HTML, being the backbone of the web, plays a central role in making sites accessible for all.  We will discuss…

  • HTML5: A Guide to New Features and APIs

    HTML5: A Guide to New Features and APIs

    As web development continues to evolve, HTML5: A Guide to New Features and APIs provides an essential overview of the latest tools for modern websites HTML5 is an important milestone in the history of web development. Launched in 2014, HTML5 offers new elements, APIs, and functionalities for improved user experience, more interactivity, and greater accessibility…

  • Embedding Multimedia in Web Pages

    Embedding Multimedia in Web Pages

    Enhancing user experience is the core when building a website. One of the best ways to achieve this is through embedding Multimedia in Your Web Pages. Adding audio, video, and other media elements can be a great way to make content more interactive and engaging. Just embedding multimedia, however, isn’t enough. You need to structure your…

  • Styling HTML Tables

    Styling HTML Tables

    Tables are one of the most popular means of presenting information in rows and columns when there is data that needs to be presented on a webpage. Styling HTML tables using CSS makes it not only attractive but also highly responsive and friendly to users’ devices. Even though basic HTML tables can serve the purpose well,…

  • HTML Tables

    HTML Tables

    While the HTML list provides you with an ordered manner of listing content, HTML tables give you a powerful means of presenting structured data. It may be that you are representing a list of products, comparison charts, or financial data, to name a few.  Tables can help you elegantly organize your information in rows and…

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