Choosing the Right Data Types in MySQL

When building a database in MySQL, one of the most important decisions you’ll make is choosing the right data types. Proper selection of data types is one of the most vital decisions you would ever make if you decide to build a database in MySQL.

The data type you decide to use for each column will affect your performance — as far as storing efficiency is concerned and possibly as far as the accuracy of your queries is concerned. 

There is a vast set of data types in MySQL. First, though, you need to know which of them best suits your needs when you want to create a fast, scalable, and maintainable database. 

In this blog, you will explore how to choose the right possible data type for your MySQL database and why it matters for performance, storage, and accuracy.

Overview of MySQL Data Types

MySQL gives you many data types to store and manipulate various kinds of data efficiently. Good knowledge of these data types and the choice of which one is needed for every column is the main difference between optimal database performance and serious problems that may occur otherwise. 

Let’s categorize MySQL data types into the following major groups for a brief overview

Choosing the Right Data Types in MySQL

Numeric Types

Numeric data types are used to store numbers and perform arithmetic operations. The choice of a numeric type will ensure the data is stored accurately and efficiently.

  • INT: This stores integers or whole numbers. It is used for small and medium whole numbers and is usually found in the range from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647.
  • BIGINT: Supports big integers. The range is between -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 up to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807. Make use of very large numbers like counters or timestamps.
  • TINYINT: It is a smaller integer type between -128 and 127. It is helpful when storage is a problem for small ranges of numbers, like flags or status values.
  • DECIMAL: it uses exact fixed-point numbers, for instance, monetary values Float or double has no precision errors; hence the financial data is stored correctly
  • FLOAT/DOUBLE: It uses an approximate floating-point number. This is very good at scientific computations but the error creeps in and you would want to avoid for the least amount of error tolerable-for currency for example.

String Types

The string data type is for holding text from short strings to large blocks of text. What string type you decide to use makes a difference in storage efficiency and performance.

  • CHAR: To hold fixed-length strings. The definition of `CHAR(10)` will always take 10 characters in storage, padding out with spaces as needed. Use columns where the length of the data is always consistent, such as country codes or postal codes.
  • VARCHAR: It supports variable-length strings, so it is much more flexible than `CHAR`. For instance: The field `VARCHAR(255)` will occupy just as much space as being used (up to 255 characters). It is good for text that varies in length.
  • TEXT: This is implemented when fairly large text data needs to be held, and the maximum of 65,535 characters applies. Suitable when large blocks of text need to be held or running posts to run articles or descriptions.
  • LONGTEXT: A much larger alternative to `TEXT`, used to store very long texts of up to 4 GB. That usually used with content management systems or for storing binary data in text format, like big JSON objects.

Date and Time Types

MySQL provides some date and time types to store dates, times, and timestamps effectively. These data types are heavily used in tracking events, transactions, and logs.

  • DATE: Stores the value of the date in `YYYY-MM-DD`. It is suitable for fields where only a date is important, such as birthdates or product release dates.
  • DATETIME: Store date and time in the format `YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS`. Is useful when you want to store full timestamps such as event logs or transaction timestamps.
  • TIMESTAMP: Like the `DATETIME` format, it has built-in support for a time zone, so it automatically adjusts for the server’s time zone. Provides the most accurate method of recording the actual time an event occurred, primarily useful in auditing and tracking changes over time.

Storing a time value, represented as `HH:MM:SS`, makes for convenient tracking of durations or specific times-of-day values.

Binary Data Types

Binary data types are used for the storage of binary or non-text data, like images, files, and so on. These types are primarily useful for storing huge blobs of data or files within the database.

BLOB: Stands for Binary Large Object. That is used to store binary data such as images, audio files, or any other non-text data. The standard BLOB type can store up to 65,535 bytes.

Medium-sized binary data type; it holds up to 16MB of data, very good for medium-sized files or large images. Very large binary data to hold up to 4GB of data, ideal for really large files such as HD video or database management systems.

It stores variable-length binary data; in other words, it is a MySQL BLOB data type like `VARCHAR` to store binary data. It’s okay for those conditions where the size of the data is changing.

Choosing the right MySQL data type is based on the type of data and the requirements for performance in your application. Knowing the core categories of data types — numeric, string, date/time, and binary enables you to fine-tune your database for storage, speed, and accuracy. 

The coming sections explain each category in detail, including which type to use for best performance and efficiency.

Understanding Numeric Data Types in MySQL

Choosing the right numeric data type is crucial in the design of a MySQL database for performance, storage efficiency, and integrity of data. Here, we outline the most frequently used numeric data types: the intrinsic MySQL data types INT, BIGINT, TINYINT, DECIMAL, FLOAT, and DOUBLE. 

We will take you through how to decide which of these types to use based on your data’s size, range, precision, and storage needs.

INT vs. BIGINT vs. TINYINT: When to Use Each Type

The MySQL integer data types are used for storing whole numbers. Which to use and when depends on how wide your data will range and how efficiently you want to store that data.

INT (Integer)

Range: -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 (signed) or 0 to 4,294,967,295 (unsigned).

When to Use: Use INT for most cases when you expect to work with whole numbers in the typical range of -2.1 billion to 2.1 billion. That’s the most common integer type and works for just about anything: counters, user IDs, or quantities.

Use Case: For holding the quantity of products in stock or the number of sales made.

BIGINT (Big Integer)

Range: -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 (signed) or 0 to 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 (unsigned).

When to Use: Use `BIGINT` when you expect values that will overflow the range of `INT`, such as in the case of big counters, timestamps, or applications with high transaction volumes where numbers can grow considerably (for example, handling lots of data in big data systems).

Example: Storing large database identifiers such as in banking systems, or high-volume transaction counters.

TINYINT (Tiny Integer)

Range: -128 to 127 (signed) or 0 to 255 (unsigned).

When to Use: Use TINYINT when you only need to store small numbers, especially flags or status indicators (such as true/false values, or simple categories). It’s highly efficient because it uses the least amount of storage space.

Example: To hold binary flags (0 or 1), user preferences, or boolean-like values.

DECIMAL vs. FLOAT vs. DOUBLE: Precision and Storage Requirements

These data types are meant for numeric fields that contain decimal points, in other words, floating-point numbers. However, there is a difference between the three types regarding precision and storage requirements.

DECIMAL (Fixed-Point)

Precision: They store values to an exact precision and scale. For example, `DECIMAL(10,2)` represents a number up to 10 digits long with 2 digits after the decimal point: `12345678.90`.

When to Use: Use `DECIMAL` when you have computations in which the application cannot afford slight rounding-off errors, like monetary, or financial applications. It preserves all calculations without any rounding problem very common in floating-point arithmetic.

Example: Monetary amounts – price values: `DECIMAL(10,2)` will store numbers such as `99.99`.

FLOAT Single-Precision Floating-Point

Accuracy: `FLOAT` is an approximate number with 7 digits of accuracy. It utilizes 4 bytes to store.

When to Apply: Use `FLOAT` for numerical scientific calculations or where approximate values are satisfactory. It is less precise than `DECIMAL`, but uses less space, and it tends to be faster than `DECIMAL` for most operations that do not have to be very accurate.

Example: Any application where readings don’t need to be taken out with extreme precision, such as scientific data, temperature readings, or latitude/longitude values.

DOUBLE(Double Precision Floating-Point)

Precision: DOUBLE holds approximate values to 15 digits of precision. It uses 8 bytes of memory, thus more precision than FLOAT.

When to Use: Use `DOUBLE` for high-precision floating-point operations, particularly where you need more significant digits than `FLOAT` supports but do not require exactness like with `DECIMAL`.

Example: For storing geographic coordinates or for applications such as physics simulation, where a great many places of decimal are required but exact values aren’t a requirement.

Choosing Between Numeric Types

TypeRange/PrecisionBest Used For
INTWhole numbers from -2.1B to 2.1B (signed)Standard use cases (counters, IDs, quantities, etc.)
BIGINTVery large whole numbers (up to 18.4 quintillion)Large datasets, high-volume counters, or time-related values
TINYINTSmall integers (-128 to 127)Flags, booleans, status codes (use for small ranges to save storage space)
DECIMALExact decimal values with precision and scale (e.g., DECIMAL(10,2))Financial values, prices, and any data that needs to avoid rounding errors
FLOATApproximate decimal values with 7 digits of precisionScientific calculations or approximations, where slight precision loss is okay
DOUBLEApproximate decimal values with 15 digits of precisionHigh-precision calculations like simulations, geographic data, and measurements

The right choice of the numeric data type depends on the size and precision of your data. There are three options for a whole number: INT, BIGINT, and TINYINT, which serve different ranges. 

For numbers that allow decimals, we have to decide between DECIMAL for exact precision for money or between FLOAT and DOUBLE for approximations on scientific measurement. 

Knowing how each works will enable you to optimize your MySQL database to store and process numerical data more efficiently.

Choosing MySQL’s String Data Types

Choosing the correct string data type in MySQL will have a great impact on both disk space usage and query performance. The following is a brief guide to when to use CHAR, VARCHAR, TEXT, and LONGTEXT, plus how the application of collation matters for string manipulation.

When To Use: Use CHAR if you have fixed-length character strings. It is more suitable for data fields that always have the same size- just consider country codes (CHAR 2) or postal codes CHAR 5.

 How Does It Work: CHAR Always uses the specified amount of storage, padding shorter strings with spaces. This means it is less efficient if the length of data varies greatly.

Example: `CHAR(10)` for fixed-length IDs or phone numbers.


Use: It is used to represent strings of variable length where the size may vary from record to record. It saves space because it only uses as few characters in reality.

How It Works: The `VARCHAR` stores the data with a maximum length specified, such as `VARCHAR(255)`, but actually occupies space for the amount of data.

Example: Store user names or email addresses where the number of characters in the name and e-mail will differ from record to record.

When to Use: Use `TEXT` for storing larger text data, such as blog posts, descriptions, or comments. It can hold up to 65,535 characters.

Performance Considerations: Although it’s more efficient for larger text than `VARCHAR` if frequently queried, it will have a detrimental effect on your performance.


When to Use: Use `LONGTEXT` whenever you need to store text data that is too lengthy like articles or product descriptions. It can store up to 4GB of text.

Performance Considerations: Use `LONGTEXT` carefully as it may negatively impact the performance of queries like searches over large data sets.

What Is Collation?

Collation is how MySQL orders and compares string data. Collations determine the order, case sensitivity, and the rules specific to a given language, such as the alphabetization in French or German.

When to Use Different Collations: The use of different collations should be determined by your language and case sensitivity requirements, as well as accent-sensitive sorting. For example, when you want a case-insensitive multilingual implementation, use `utf8mb4_unicode_ci`.

The proper string type assures appropriate storage efficiency besides query performance results while ensuring data integrity and sorting accuracy.

Date and Time Data Types in MySQL

Always date and time are chosen for the correct type of storage and retrieval with MySQL. Let’s now know how to differentiate between DATE, DATE TIME, and TIMESTAMP, along with handling time zones.

DATE vs. DATETIME vs. TIMESTAMP: Key Differences


  • Use: It retains only a date record with no element of time in it.
  • Storage: Ranges 3 bytes of storage.
  • When to Use: Use it when you need only the date-for instance, birth dates, or event dates.
  •  Example: `2024-11-08`.


  •  Use Case: Stores a date and time-year, month, day, hour, minute, second.
  • Storage: Ranges 8 bytes of storage.
  • When to Use: Use `DATETIME` if you need to store the complete timestamp, such as transaction logs, or when the time zone is not relevant.
  • Example: `2024-11-08 14:30:00`.


Use Case: Stores both date and time but with a focus on recording the timestamp of an event’s occurrence keeping in mind the **time zones**.

Storage: It takes up 4 bytes of storage.

When to Use: For tracking changes over a period of time, such as records’ creation or modification time. Automatically adjustments are made based on the server’s time zone.

Example: `2024-11-08 14:30:00`.

Time Zone Handling in MySQL

TIMESTAMP is automatically converted to the server’s time zone when storing and retrieving values, so times will be recorded based on the server’s location, not on the client’s.

DATETIME: DATETIME does not consider time zones; it is more suited for such situations where one would want to store exact time but will not care for the differences in a time zone.

As such, judicious choice of data type ensures that date and time data is held correctly and is processed accurately within your application.

MySQL Binary Data Types: BLOB and VARBINARY

MySQL provides binary data types such as BLOB and VARBINARY to store non-text data like images, files, and even multimedia. Knowing when to use either of them and storage implications will therefore optimize performance and storage efficiency.

When to Use BLOB vs. VARBINARY

BLOB (Binary Large Object)

When To Use It: The `BLOB` field is specifically built for handling big binary data, say images, audio files, or video. It will handle a total of up to 65,535 bytes of binary data.


Example: In the context of storing images or audio files uploaded by users.

VARBINARY: Data type

Use For: For storing variable-length binary data. It’s just like variable-length strings in the case of `VARCHAR`. It is appropriate to use it when you want to store binary data but still want to declare a maximum length.

When to Use: Use VARBINARY when you have to store smaller more managed binary data size sizes where you do not intend to store huge objects such as videos or image files in high resolutions.

Example: Small binary data, like file checksums or binary-encoded data.

Storage Implications

  • Performance: Because your database stores large binary objects, you have every reason to believe it severely impairs performance, especially when frequently querying or loading large files. The more massive the `BLOB`, the greater the storage and I/O operations.
  • Storage Efficiency: MySQL stores `BLOB` data outside of the table itself, only storing a reference to the binary data, which can help manage large data more efficiently.

Store very large files outside, say, on a file server or cloud storage, but maintain in the database only the location of the file.

Performance Considerations: Size and Indexing

When to pull out the proper type of data in MySQL is really all about performance concerns, especially about indexing and query time. And so, here’s what you want to know about size and indexing as a performance consideration:

Smaller Data Types for Faster Queries

More byte types such as `TINYINT` rather than `INT` or `CHAR(10)` rather than `VARCHAR(255)` take up fewer bytes of memory and less data to send.

  • It performs indexes quicker: Quicker queries are meant by smaller indexes. Indexes give a boost to search operations, and the more compact types translate into a faster pace for SELECT queries.
  • Example: Use TINYINT for columns where only a narrow range of numbers is going to be used-status flags or booleans instead of something like INT.

Storage Efficiency

  • Reducing Storage Overheads: Simply by choosing the appropriate data type, you avoid using unnecessary space. Not only do you save that disk space but you also make retrieval faster.
  • Optimize with Data Types: Use types such as `VARCHAR` for string variable length, and use `DECIMAL` for monetary values and not `FLOAT` to prevent storage inefficiencies and rounding errors.
  • Example: For a field that stores the customer ID, `INT` is probably too large if the range of possible values is much smaller.

You are both saving space and keeping your queries optimized and performance on a level with your MySQL database if you have the right kinds of data.

Best Practices in Choosing the Right Data Types in MySQL

The best data type will save you on storage costs and allow your database to run at optimal performance. Below are best practices when selecting the right data types in MySQL

Be Specific: Choose the Smallest Data Type That Can Hold Your Data

Whenever you declare columns for your tables, always use the smallest data type that can hold the necessary values. Smaller data types not only consume less space but speed up indexing and make it more efficient as well.

Example: You need to store values from 0 to 100 in a field. Do not use INT when you can use TINYINT or SMALLINT. That is going to consume a lot of memory.

While `TEXT` and `BLOB` are good for larger blocks of data (like documents or images), they are not the best fit for smaller, less complex data like short text fields or binary data. These types will consume more storage space and are not as effective for indexing.

Example: Storing names or short descriptions? Use `VARCHAR` or `CHAR` rather than `TEXT`. For binary data like small images: use `VARBINARY` instead of `BLOB`.

Use unsigned integers

Minimize negative values whenever possible, and use unsigned integers instead. This would double the positive integer’s range without using any extra space. For example, where `UNSIGNED INT` can span from 0 to 4,294,967,295 while non-unsigned INT would only be -2.1 billion to 2.1 billion.

Example: Use `UNSIGNED TINYINT` for any flag or status field that requires a positive value (such as 0 or 1).

Follow these best practices to make sure your database performs better, uses storage efficiently, and scales well.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Selecting Data Types in MySQL

Though the correct data type is pivotal for database performance, some general mistakes make it inefficient. Here are two pitfalls that you should avoid:

 Too Much of TEXT and BLOB

While TEXT and BLOB can efficiently accommodate big data like documents, images, or multimedia, their unnecessary use causes many performance problems. These two types will be not as efficient as any other data type for small or medium-sized data such as `VARCHAR` or `VARBINARY`.

Short strings or binary data with its storage wastes much space when put inside the `TEXT` or `BLOB` as well as slows down when there are indexes.

Error: In tiny description or text fields, keep it in `TEXT` instead of `VARCHAR`.

Solution: For any text field that must be of variable length use `VARCHAR` for data types. All this can save space and even improve performance.

Over-provisioning Too Large Data Types

Over-provisioning data types often happens, like using a BIGINT when an INT would do, resulting in a significant waste of space with concomitant impacts on indexing and query performance.

Mistake: BIGINT on fields that only need an INT range

Fix: Always choose the smallest type that is necessary. When your data can all be contained within a relatively small range, use SMALLINT or TINYINT.

Now that you know what not to do, you’ll avoid wasting precious storage space, reduce indexing overheads, and improve query performance in MySQL.


Optimizing your database with the right data types using MySQL database data types appropriately is what differentiates optimal performance, storage efficiency, and data integrity. Whether it’s a `BIGINT` instead of `INT` or whether `VARCHAR` or `TEXT`, cut costs on storage, speed up your queries, and optimize the efficiency of indexing, for instance.

Now that you know how important selecting proper data types is, it’s time to evaluate your existing database schema. Whether you’re creating a new application or improving an existing one, it’s probably one of the most impactful actions you can take to make your database efficiency better.

Go get your database faster and better! 

Apply to the Codeneur Bootcamp, the ultimate hands-on training where all the aspects of mastering the skills in MySQL database design optimization will be covered, sure enough, to elevate your career and create more efficient, higher applications.


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