
HTML Tags 

HTML, or HyperText Markup Language, is the backbone of web development. It defines the structure and content of a webpage, using a variety of HTML tags to organize text, images, links, and more.

If you are new to HTML, then you must understand some basic tags at the outset of your journey to mastering web development. We shall discuss the most important HTML tags every beginner should know in starting simple yet functional web pages in this post.

As we continue this blog, note that these basic tags form the foundation for adding more complex features, such as linking and embedding media, which we’ll cover in our post “Adding Links and Media in HTML

1. Paragraphs

The <p> tag defines a paragraph of text, which is among the most elementary and widely-used HTML elements.

<p>This is a paragraph of text.</p>

By using <p> you split your text into readable chunks, thus making your content more digestible.

2. Headings

Headings <h1>–<h6>: This helps you to organize your content so both readers and search engines will understand the structure of your page. HTML has six levels of headings: <h1> is the most important one, and <h6> is the least important level of heading.

The page’s title typically uses the <h1> tag, and subsequent heading tags break the content into logical sections.

3. Links

Links <a>: The <a> tag, short for “anchor,” is a tag used to create hyperlinks. These allow the user to move from one page to another or even to another section on the same page.

<a href="https://www.example.com">Visit Example</a>

The href attribute is the address of the actual page the link points to. With links done correctly, you will find them an important way of building up a content web of interconnectedness.

In the Creating Links and Embedding Media in HTML blog, we’ll go into more link details and how to include them more interactively.

4. Images

The <img> tag is used to embed images in your HTML document. You can never forget to insert the alt attribute to ensure accessibility and proper SEO practices.

The src attribute defines the path to the image file, while alt provides a textual description for users who can’t see the image, like those using screen readers.

5. Divisions

The <div> is a block element that groups up content, therefore easier to work with in your CSS or even JavaScript. In itself, the <div> carries no meaning at all but acts as a handy tool for styling content.

6. Span

Unlike, which is block-level, <span> is an inline element. It’s handy for styling short pieces of text or to combine inline elements that shouldn’t cause a line break.

7. Lists

Lists are used to structure content. The <ul> tag is used for unordered or bulleted lists, and <ol> is used for ordered or numbered lists. Both use <li> tags to define each item.

Lists are great for displaying information such as features, steps, or items, and they enhance readability.


In this blog, we covered all the basic HTML tags that any beginner should know. From structuring paragraphs with <p>, organizing headings with <h1>–<h6>, creating hyperlinks with <a>, embedding images with <img>, and grouping content with <div> and <span>, these tags form the backbone of any well-structured webpage.

Mastering these foundational tags will give you the confidence to start building functional and well-organized web pages. As you progress, you’ll be able to enhance your pages further by incorporating links, multimedia, and interactive elements

At Codeneur, we are here to guide you through every step of your web development journey. Stay tuned for more helpful tips to level up your coding skills!

Happy coding!


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